Holy Avtar Vani - Shabad No. 336
Jaat mazhab te rasam ravajan rab ne koi banaye nahin;
Hindu muslam sikh eessaee rab ne jhagrhe paaye nahin.
Janjoo kachchh kirpan te suntaan eh koi naal leyaye nahin;
Khan peen te rehan sehan de bandhan rab ne paaye nahin.
Maanvta hai dharma asada maalak nun bas pana ey;
Kahe avtar bakherhe chhad ke satgur charnin aana ey.
Humanity is our only religion. God did not create the castes, religions or their customs and practices. God did not divide people to fight as Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians. God did not provide anybody the sacred thread, the long underwear, the sword or the circumcision at the time of birth. God did not put any restrictions in respect of food and drink and the mode of living. Humanity is our religion and our mission is to realize God. Here Baba Avtar Singh ji says, we should leave aside all divisions, one should seek the shelter of the True Master.